Takemyfone.com understands that we all want a fair price for our goods, you'll find in all instances that we endeavour to offer the best price within the market based on the conditiopn of your device.
Takemyfone.com offers a range of models from various manufacturers and new models are being constantly added to allow you to find the best online price for your phone. We keep doing our best to re-use as many models as we can.
Takemyfone.com offers a FREE service with a simple process of getting cash for your brand new phone, tablet, MacBook or other gadgets.
You can start immediately selling all your brand new mobile phones, tablets, MacBooks or other electrical gadgets, we send regular email updates throughout the whole process.
A great variety of payment options, with BACS (Bank Transfer), PayPal (noy always avaialable or a Cheque available to you.
All UK networks are accepted at takemyfone.com
We cover the costs of shipping with either Royal Mail, or UPS
As well as re-using 100% of the mobile phones, tablets and MacBooks received, all packaging materials are re-used also.
Thank you for choosing to sell your brand new mobiles, tablets or MacBook with takemyfone.com.
Convert your gadgets into fabulous cash.
*All orders are subject to our Terms & Conditions.
*Same Day Payment promise if subject to orders meeting out Terms & Conditions.